Adorn shelves, bookcases and other surfaces with the items you like best


As in any area, the eye wants its part. Choosing only the furnishings in the structural sense of the term is not enough: an empty bookcase makes no sense to be installed, a wall that is too bare could be enriched with shelves, a cupboard with a completely empty shelf (or with only the keys, mail and the wallet) would remain a mere support tool and would lose all its charm, and so on.

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Obviously, this applies to any corner of the house, but you have to be careful not to get exactly the opposite: it is fine to furnish and enrich the spaces but it would not be correct to create a set of a thousand things and objects of different colors, shapes and styles. . The result must be harmonious and the whole must be "clean", light and not tacky.

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That said, we know how difficult it is to understand what to decorate your home with, especially due to the multitude of accessories on the market.

Let's start with the classic wall units and shelves to expose the various objects. A design shelf already does half the job: it has an impact and therefore does not require the insertion of many objects. Furthermore, if wisely accompanied by LED backlighting, it will create an elegant play of light on the wall, enhancing the beauty of the wall unit and of the elements placed on it.

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A larger exhibition space, but more difficult to organize, is the bookshop. It is used in every home not only to store one's favorite readings but also to ennoble the environment. Depending on its size and available space, it will be necessary to understand how to best arrange our objects. In addition to books, it is possible to insert some furnishing elements such as table lamps, ornaments, vases and plants, very impressive if climbing or hanging. In the images shown in this article you can take a cue not only as regards arrangements and combinations, but also to understand which type of objects to combine, the colors and styles that go best with each other.

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The same goes for wall units, cupboards, display cabinets, and other furnishings that are worth enriching with some design accessories. Obviously, prints and frames with souvenir photos also apply, as long as the room does not become a sort of photo album: like any other element, it's fine if used in moderation.

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To beautify the context, it is sometimes advisable to insert objects of common utility such as coat hangers, newspaper tables, mirrors and design armchairs or ottomans, which stand out inside the room and embellish the environment without the need to insert many other elements inside.

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Given what has been said in this article, of course you will have to take a cue but it is you who will indulge yourself in choosing the elements that will surround you in your days, you can choose vintage, modern, classic objects, you can choose to use more prints than objects or opt for a green setting up by inserting plants and flowers.

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