Transformable sofas are often the solution for those who want functionality, without neglecting the design and style of the room.
Lighting is one of the most important elements to consider when creating an interior.
Whether big or small, it is one of the most important rooms in your home and it is worth the effort to make it conform to your taste.
Natural, solid wood, recuperated materials and simple objects... this is the new frontier of Nordic Design.
As the family increases in size, finding the right solution for your children's bedroom is fundamental, to guarantee safety and functionality, without losing space for play and other activities.
Bright and intriguing colours will be the protagonists of interiors and design... Knowing about chromatic properties can help when selecting elements for your home!
Making your living room bigger is possible: follow these little pieces of advice and enjoy the result.
Often people try to use classical elegance in a modern context, to obtain a functional and technological result. Let's have a look at how to do this, without falling into common errors.
Designing your home should be like painting a work of art, in which every brushstroke corresponds to a design element.