The anteroom is not designed only for practical reasons, in some cases the regulations make this area mandatory, not only for public spaces, but also in private homes. Let's see why and how it can be done to obtain a perfect "anteroom".
Interior design cannot leave out one of the most used areas of the house: the kitchen, an area that requires maximum efficiency and practicality but which today must also respond to the aesthetic needs of the customer, and be in harmony, moreover, with the rest of the furniture in the house.
The classic wooden door with conventional opening leaves room for many solutions, some truly innovative, not only functional but also stunning to look at. Today we will see together what types are available, leaving out colors and materials that are really many and must be chosen according to your personal taste and to which we will certainly dedicate an entire article soon, but focusing on installation systems.
Wallpaper has made a comeback in recent years, the world of design has made it, in the case of some brands, a work of art, such as Wall & Decò, of which today we will show you some creations for the year 2021.
When it comes to curtains, their important presence in the room must be considered. They are among the first elements to be noticed when entering an environment but aesthetics must also meet functionality. For this we must select the one that best meets our needs.
In this article we will analyze every aspect to take into consideration when choosing the shower tray for your bathroom, listing the sizes, colors, materials available and the various types of installation.
The purchase of a new home, be it a detached house or an apartment, is to be taken very seriously, the slightest element that can escape during the search and the deed will turn into a nightmare once established inside or even immediately during the phase of restructuring. For this reason we have decided to make available a list of questions to ask the owner or real estate agent when buying a house.
The bathroom is the place in the house where we manage to estrange ourselves from the outside world and where we can take care of ourselves, whether it's a simple daily personal hygiene routine or a nice warm bath after a busy day, this room becomes the temple of relaxation. So how to furnish it so that it is as welcoming as possible? And above all, what precautions should be taken to make it appear less cramped and visually wider if you have little space? We see it together in this article… enjoy the reading!
We have decided to dedicate this article to Dorelan's new Wellness range, which meets the customer's needs by offering the high quality of Dorelan mattresses at advantageous prices, to analyze in detail the extraordinary characteristics of Desiderio, Gioia, Balance and Brio, the mattresses of the line and all the initiatives of the “2021. Wellness Goal ".